-----Original Message-----
From: Mark B
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 10:42 AM
To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
Subject: RE: NANFA-- Collecting Equipment - electrofishing
At 10:18 AM -0600 1/11/00, Hoover, Jan J WES wrote:
>A recent study evaluated lethal effects of electroshocking and
>on greenside darters (Etheostoma blennioides). Mortality from
>electroshocking ("electrofishing" to be more politically correct) was low
'Course that doesn't address the question of how electrofishing compares to
seining, dipnetting or castnetting. I almost never use traps, because I
have limited time at the site and I want to get in and see what's there
right now. I can see how fishes in a trap could become stressed and
injured while trying to escape over a long period. If I'm careful, I
usually have very low mortality on netted fishes.
Mark Binkley
Columbus Ohio USA <))><
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