NANFA-- dollars
R.W.Wolff (
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 23:44:51 -0600
I introduced my Louisiana dollar sunfish to each othr this morning, and
after 4 minutes of courtship, they got down to business and 45 minutes
later , and a tattered female, there was a nest full of eggs. Dollars are
realtivly easy to raise, so i look forward to a large family of these. Now
I just have to coax my North Carolina strain to do the same thing. Then
I will have run out of sunfish to spawn until pond season, since the other
species I maintain either have no mates, or are too small. then I can put
all my energies into getting the killis to spawn, but they pretty much do
this all the time anyway, with no interference from me, they just eat there
children ,so I do have to watch out for that.
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