<< the red phase warmouth that I spawned several months ago are now nickel
to quarter sized , and showing red phase traits. this is good because I
was worried they may all turn out to be the normal color variation. This
is very exciting for me, as they may be a sub species, since all young are
like the adults. ( who am I to say that though ) would guess that if they
were a color morph, some of the young would be normaly colored. >>
I remember these mentioned before but don't know much about them. They
intrigue me. Where are they found in this country; are they found occurring
in the same bodies of water as regular warmouths? Where they are found, are
they present in any kind of sizable numbers?Has anyone else ventured a guess
as to what their relationship is to regular warmouths?Are there any photos of
them on the 'net ?
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