Re: NANFA-- Re: red phase
R.W.Wolff (
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 00:39:19 -0600
the explanation of the red wars being in the Lake Michigan drainage is
quite possible. They did fish rescues sometime in the early 1900's when
the Mississippi was low on water or something and trucked all species
scooped up to inland lakes across the state. That could be why this form
of warmouth is in two different areas. The fry I am raising all seem to
have the coloration of the adults. They did look a lot like regular
warmouth when patterns started to form, but now they are showing the colors
of the red phase. I hope to raise these, and spawn them too, and see if
their young are representative of the parents. Aquarium spawning does not
show the true nature of what fish do in the wild, so I couldnt tell if they
have a different way of spawning than the normal looking warmouth. the
ones I seen in the wild do spawn in the open more so, and larger juveniles
in the 2-4 inch range will swim out in the open in shaded areas, as regular
warmouth like to stay in the dark areas under some heavy cover. It is very
rare to see regular warmouth out in the open except at night.
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