Norman Edelen wrote:
> Hi Katrina,
> Do you or Jeff know where I can get a cheap mask and snorkel? I am hoping
> to do a bit of creek snorkeling.
> Norm
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> A proud member of
> The Greater Portland Aquarium Society
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> The North American Native Fishes Association: over
> 20 years of conservation efforts, public education, and
> aquarium study of our native fishes. Check it out at
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Katrina kruse <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 10:52 AM
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- underwater camera
> Check out the Seaview website (search under Seaview or Seaview Industries) -
> I
> don't know what system you are referencing, but it sounds like these guys.
> This
> system supposedly drops over the side of your boat, is good to some extreme
> depth
> (600 feet or something) but requires you do have a TV on your boat to get
> live
> video. I have no idea how it is made, but from my photo experience I know
> that
> everything corrodes, wears, and leaks eventually no matter what you do (my
> Nikonos
> has 15 o-rings of which 3 are serviceable by me). Check out where servicing
> is
> available. katrina
> wrote:
> > Has anyone tried one of these new underwater video systems for viewing
> fish
> > that are now available for under $1000 for anglers to use?
> >
> > Lee Harper
> >
> >
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