>First of all, my intentions are to get to the truth. Perhaps when >the DNR
>answered my question, they misspoke or were not aware of >anything at that
>time. Perhaps what they said is true.
sorry. Everything except Percina evides, Etheostoma histrio, and Ammocrypta
pellucida are unionid mollusks.
Based on Chris' comment, perhaps the county lists do not reflect the recent
mussel fauna of the W Fk of the White. I dragged Gerking's 1945
Distributional survey of the fishes if IN off the boss' shelf, and there
were records for both Ammocrypta, Percina evides, and a lot of other stuff
from the affected area. I guess if the mussel fauna had been that hard hit,
they would have been long gone as well.
DNRs have been known to downplay stuff like this for political reasons
(well, at least here in Alabama!). Perhaps I <was> a bit too hard on them in
my prior email... at least until we can come up with additional data! If any
of the Fed Listed unionids DID occupy the area, FWS could levy a $10,000
fine per individual killed. That might make the responsible party (if they
ever figure out who it is) think twice before allowing this to happen again.
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