Mark B <> at on 01/28/2000 08:33:28 AM
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Subject: NANFA-- Humane Society for Fish
Maybe NANFA should found a kind of Humane Society for fish to give people
someplace to "dump" unwanted pets. Hey, that might give us some respect
with the professionals!
All we would need would be volunteers around the country willing to accept
pet fishes and take care of them by either keeping them, giving them away,
trading them, selling them or euthanizing them. Any volunteers? I'll do
it for central Ohio. Maybe we could enlist other aquarium clubs to get
better coverage on this. Then publicize it to aquarium shops so they can
direct people to us. Could be a fund raiser for clubs that have auctions
or other ways of selling the fish. Could also create a clearing house of
specimens for public aquariums. Often large fishes are a problem.
Mark Binkley
Columbus Ohio USA <))><
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