As another possible spawning cue, has anyone noticed any linkage to lunar
cycles with freshwater Fundulus? It's clearly important to heteroclitus and
luciae (and probably other estuarine species). I've never seen reference to
lunar cues with the freshwater species.
--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- F. diaphanus
>Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 09:12:02 EST
> I got three eggs in the floating mop this morning. All the fish from
>Michigan that I breed need a cold period below 50 and a short light photo
>period to spawn except the Killifish. Maybe Killi's these far northern
>representatives haven't forgotten their more southern family origins? F.
>notatuis, dispar and now diaphanus seem to come into spawning condition in
>tanks that get no colder then 60 with 12 to 15 hours of light. F. diaphanus
>surprised me by spawning this early the other two waited until the tanks
>warmed to 70 around June.
> Bruce your the Fundulus man any ideas?
>Bob Muller
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