Back to the question. Redwood burl is a knot like thing in the tree.
They sell them in and around the Redwood Forest. I think they just save
them off of the trees they cut. If you put one in water little redwood
tree fronds grow out of it. They look like mini forests on a mountain of
wood. They're really neat. It's too hot here for me to be able to
actually grow a redwood tree, but they are really pretty trees, even the
ones that aren't huge. It's my understanding that occasionally you can
get the burl to grow into a tree, but usually they are a temporary
thing. Maybe someone from Northern CA can chime in and give us more
Rhonda wrote:
> In a message dated 12/22/00 8:49:54 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << I had a redwood burl once. I'd love to get
> another one. >>
> What is a redwood burl?
> Moon
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