We left around 11:00 and it was in the mid thirties, but had clouded up
after this morning being nice and sunny.
We went straight to the marsh and stopped at the Sandhill area . The water
was open the entire length of the ditch as far as we could see down it. We
caught mostly blacknose shiners and central mudminnows. A few northern red
belly dace, brassy minnows, iowa darters and stickle backs were caught.
After getting enough feeders, we left there and went down the yellow river
to Necedah. It had started to drizzle, and I was worried it might suddenly
get colder and turn to ice on the highways, but it stopped, and stayed in
the mid 30's. We got to the dam at Necedah and hit the riffles and runs
under the dam. We caught banded darters who were not colored up much yet,
fantail darters, some of them especially a huge one were bright orange with
black dots forming horizontal pin stripes, awesome, and the crown jewel was
a 6 inch stone cat. That fish was absolutely beautiful. It had a fork in
its right mouth corner barbel, making me joke to Matt that he got a fork
horn. We also caught a lot of crawfish and a couple frogs. No burbot
unfortunately, which was the main quarry there.
We got back to town around 4:00. We video taped much of today's collecting.
Hopefully we can put together a video of winter collecting and make it
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