About Lobelia dortmanna, it is a vary rare plant here in Denmark. I have tried it in a pond year ago with plans from Norway, where it is common, but it only survived two seasons.
This was because of the appearence of algaes in the pond.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jeffrey Fullerton <tcmajorr_at_westol.com>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: NANFA-- Re: Hornworts
> > C. demersum has dark green shots and its has more stiff and fragile stem =
> > and leaves than C. submersum.
> > Submersum is light green, sometimes reddish leaves, depending on the =
> > light.
> >
> > Martin - Denmark.
> >
> Thanks Martin
> I think this gives me an idea what I have now. demersum = the bigger
> dark green and submersum = the smaller lighter plant. This concurs with
> the source in Britain.
> There is a third species- perhaps endemic to North America and somewhat
> rare too - C, echinatum which is very small even smaller than C.
> submersum. I've seen a photo years ago of all three types arranged side
> by side in book from the Pet Library series on aquatic plants- but
> cannot find it now. It is burried someplace in my collection of older
> books.
> Since you are from Europe- do you have any experience with growing the
> Water Lobelia - L. dortmanna? I've been looking for a start of this one
> - or seed for years.
> Jeff
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