NANFA-- Feeding Dwarf Crayfish "Fry"
Mark (
Sun, 21 Jan 2001 14:28:16 -0500
I have two spawns of dwarf crayfish, Cambarellus shufeldtii, that were
recently released from their mothers' tails. The little ones (sorry, I
don't know the terminology for crustaceans) are all in a bare 10 gallon
tank with a sponge filter. There is some algae, detritus and Java moss in
the tank. I'm experimenting with different feeds. One feed that I can
confirm is working is live, baby brine shrimp (BBS). Since the Artemia
(BBS) are pink, I can see that the stomachs of the tiny crayfish have
turned pink, so they are feeding. These crayfish are about 3/16 of an inch
long (5 mm). You can see photos of adult dwarf crayfish at
Columbus Ohio USA <))><
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