NANFA-- minnow trap stories
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 21:02:45 EST

A couple of personal experiences:

- I visually checked one minnow trap after about an hour without disturbing
it - lots of minnows in it. I went back the next morning and found only
about half as many. Guess they sometime figure how to get out.

- Set two identical traps with identical bait about two feet apart in a
likely area. Came back a couple of hours later. One had about a dozen fish,
the other none. Sort of made me wonder if schools have a leader they follow
and the leader went in first. Also made me wonder if you got a small baby
food glass jar, punched lots of holes in the top, placed a couple small fish
in it and put that in the trap with bait, if that would help attract fish.
Seems like anglers used to lower glass jugs of minnow into the area they were
fishing to attract fish. Sounds like a good theory.

Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA

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