hey Moon
Where do you live?
our fish quality and selection are improving as big chains come in and add
competition. Price is going down too.
just wait as time goes by the Big Chains will drive out the Mom and Pap
stores Then the quality of there fish will go down.
I have seen this here in Peoria, even when a new Chain opens fish get better
for a short time then drop off.
One on one we have very little power, what we need is to some how work
Work with our Local Aquarium society. In all honesty the true hobbiest the
ones that really care about fish make up only about 10% of the people buying
fish from pet shops
The other 90% just have one or two aquariums in thier front room or some
place and really know every little about fish.
So the pet shops sell the bread and butter stuff and really don't care
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