> Casper,
> Just in case you ever come to visit you should know that all residents of
> this great state expect (read: demand) respect and that includes
> capitalizing the great state of Texas' name both in writing and in speech.
Just to reinforce the point, by federal law, Texas is the only state in the
nation that is allowed to fly its flag at the same height as the national
flag. No I'm not a native Texican, fact is I didn't move here until 1955.
When were you born? (BTW, the reason for the flag law is that Texas is the
only state that was an independent nation - The Republic of Texas, when it
decided to join the union. All others were colonies, territories, etc.)
Jack Lehman, Austin TX
It's not the pace of life that concerns me;
It's that sudden stop at the end.
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