Do you ever encounter bigscale logperch in your survey work? Would you mind
preserving a couple in 95% EtOH for DNA work?
My girlfriend is working on logperch systematics for her PhD at St. Louis
University, and we spent two weeks around Christmas visiting her family in
Houston and collecting all over Texas, from the Rio Grande and Pecos east
(Wow! The Devils River rocks! So's the Guadalupe!). We got lots of P.
carbonaria, and P. macrolepida from the western drainages, but everything
east of Austin was blown with the high water.
I'd be willing to supply Alabama or other SE fishes in trade or could work
out a deal otherwise...
Thanks in advance,
>It's cool here, not cold. Got out wading yesterday and found an absolutely
>beautiful 3 inch long warmouth and 2 small white crappie lurking in the
>shallows of the West Fork of the Trinity River!
>Rob Denkhaus
>Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
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David A. Neely
Biodiversity and Systematics
Box 870345
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0345
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