Rob Criswell
>From: Harry Knaub <>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- solo seining
>Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 17:51:03 -0500
>I use a 4x4 Seine and thats pretty easy to manuever by myself.
>Also, here in PA, it might be the largest the law allows. I don't have a
>regulation book, but I think that this is the case.
>Harry Knaub
>"James B. Ladonski" wrote:
> > How many of you seine by yourselves? What do you recommend for gear
> > size) and/or technique?
> >
> > I see from the NANFA website the 1978 Apr-June issue of AC had a article
> > Jim Pitts called "Seining Without a Partner: How to Make the Task
> > Easier". Does anyone have a copy of that article they could send me?
> >
> > Jamie
> >
> > PS - Anyone from SW Michigan (Berrien, Cass, Van Buren counties) or NC
> > Indiana (LaPorte, St. Joseph counties) looking for a seining partner,
> > me a line.
> >
> >
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