Thanks for the excellent input. When I'm ready to make the jump to exotics,
this will be a good head start.
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 11:57 AM 1/21/02 -0800, you wrote:
>I have to agree with Tony there. Try the cool water
>killies from the Du Chaillu Masif or the Ivindo basin
>in Gabon. One, Aphyosemion wachtersi mikae is found
>in an isolated pool that serves as the source of
>drinking water for a village of pygmies... water is
>right around 60 F. The A. pyrophore group and the
>various diapteron species all like temps less than 70
>F. Plus they are beautiful and undemanding to
>boot... most people fail with these species because
>they keep them too warm.
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