Glad you liked it. Next time, you need to go. I think the Savannah Branch
(in warmer weather) looked snorkelable. Some of the guys in this group also
expressed interest in the Chattanooga area, so prepare to host a foray on
your turf. I guess the taillights are my favorites from this batch,
although they can't match the sheer beauty of the bluebarred pygmys. You'll
see why when you look at my pics. BTW, you could also be a redneck if you
turn an olympic size swimming pool into a pond. (-:
The Okefenokee trip is gathering steam with folks all over the SE. We could
have a very interesting group by spring. After my two recent swamp visits,
I'm getting pretty excited about going. No date has been set yet, but it
makes sense (IMHO) to go before the really killer heat arrives. It can be a
very unforgiving place under the best of circumstances. The chance for cool
fish, to me, outweighs the reptiles and bugs. Anyone who is interested can
contact me off list and I'll update you as the thing comes together.
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
At 03:11 PM 1/30/02 EST, you wrote:
>thats great steve...
>thanks for sharing it. sounds like a good group and some nice new fish to
>see. im looking forward to your photos. taillight shiners... seems like jeff
>fullerton has been treking for those.
>w/ all this fish your seeing maybe you should be stocking the home depot
>aquarium. :)
>next time i visit guess im gonna have to walksides thru your house cause of
>all the tanks!
>tell us what your fav fishes were.
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