This is old news. Bluegills in the Imperial Moat courtesy of our Emperor-WHO
SHOULD KNOW BETTER, guppies, gambusia, mollies, swordtails and platies
displacing the native killies. Can't find any wild medaka in the paddies.
Bass, bluegills and other large predators decimating local fish stocks and
really useless construction projects finishing everything remaining off.
It's no wonder I can't find any freshwater shrimp or crabs in my local
What are we to do? I'm just a dumbass writer who writes about this stuff.
But, it never gets into the Japanese press.
> > I agree with you, Jay. But things could always be worse, like in Japan:
> >
> >
>Here's something positive and interesting regarding conservation in Japan
>and tying conservation to culture. The link will disappear in a few days
>Rob is correct about the Jan 31 deadline:
>Jay DeLong
>Olympia, WA
Edward Venn,
SMG Holdings Co., Ltd.,
Deux Chateaux Blanc 2-303,
1356 Kobuchi, Kasukabe,
Saitama, Japan
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