RE: NANFA-- Re: nanfa V1 #1508

Crail, Todd (
Fri, 3 Jan 2003 10:18:59 -0500

That's where it'd be featured, if this were to manifest itself. Except this
is real time data that anyone can go in and set up an account, their info, etc
for the purpose of planning *future* trips. A new feature to the Member's
Activities. :)

Like my entry would look like:

Name: Todd Crail
Location: Toledo, Ohio
Home stream: Maumee River Watershed
Species of Interest: Pickerel, Longnose Gar, Logperch, Orangethroat Daters,
Rainbow Darters, Greenside Darters, Blackside Darters, Orangespot Sunfish
Notes: Snorkelling opportunities within an hour drive on other watersheds.

Each of these are fields. Each are maintained thru a webpage. Anyone who
wants to participate can etc etc etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Culler
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: NANFA-- Re: nanfa V1 #1508

At 09:42 AM 1/3/03 -0500, Todd wrote:
>Aboslutely that's a great place to start. I was thinking more along the
>of a webpage that people could go in and put in their info and then everyone
>would be browsed by state, etc... That way it's a bit more static and
>24x7x365. Kinda like a "trading post" of locations and people, instead of
>goods and fish.

You mean sorta like the Member's Activities section of the NANFA site? :)

Ranger Bob
Kingsport, TN
"The power of humans to degrade the natural world is awesome; the
capability to reconstitute it later is mythical."
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