The additional lepomids to be added to the 125 gal will be Orangespots, not
Longear. I'm going to host a lot of minnows and I don't want to deal with
an 8" cantankerous Longear who wants to try and nip at Spotfins and
Stonerollers. In the event that an Orangespot gets too big-n-fiesty for my
requirements, I seriously doubt finding a home for him will be a difficult
task :)
I am also keeping in my 30 some Redside Dace, which you'd been asking about
earlier, as well, some stonerollers and a stonecat. Everyone is doing just
fine right now, with one of the Ospots in near full color. He's quite
uninterested in the non-conspicifics in the tank, and not really interested
in the other male Ospot as long as that fish minds he's the boss. I do have
to feed fairly heavy to assure everyone gets what they want. But what I
normally do is get all the big eaters occupied with larger chunks of freeze
dried krill and then introduce the brine shrimp, etc (I hand feed the
stonecat pieces of krill). While Dace are quick to eat, I find they aren't
pigs like some of their other relatives, if fed a couple times a day. I've
even had them turn their noses up to food (they were actually "full").
Imagine a shiner or a blacknose dace doing that hehheh. :)
I'm hoping to find that Southern Redbellied Dace have the same behavior as
the Redsides.
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