RE: NANFA-- mmmmmmm....

Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS (
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 12:16:35 -0600

Bruce wrote:
>>>Thanks Jan, your comments on Frank McCormick give strength to my
that the rainbows I have are somewhat different from others I've seen.
They're not as brilliant as other rainbows, more to the point. I thought I
had two fairly colorful females, based on collecting them when they were
still small. But now that they've grown up and I look more closely and think

about it, I realize that both are males. They have vivid orange throats, but

the rest of the body coloration is more subdued than the "standard" male
rainbow. And if we're talking about headwater populations more likely being
diagnosable species through allopatric processes, well, this location on
Estill Fork could be ground zero for a small-range species.<<<

Jan writes:
>>>Same thing for the populations in southern Mississippi which are strongly
disjunct from the entire remaining range of the species.<<<
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