NANFA-- Raffle ticket sales

D. Martin Moore (
Thu, 6 Jul 2000 21:01:13 -0500

Hey guys (especially you regional rep and BOD types),

I really need your help. Currently raffle ticket sales stand at an
underwhelming $176.00. I would like to mention that the top prize,
a signed, numbered, limited edition (only 20 prints in the edition)
artist's PROOF in a museum-quality frame, by Canadia NANFA
member Loucas Raptis, is PRICELESS. Similar items, on the rare
occasions you can find them offered for sale, bring THOUSANDS of

I have also seen some of the mounts Steven George has done.
Steven is a NANFA member in Vicksburg, MS, who is a colleague of a
fellow named Jan Hoover, who I am sure you know from the BOD
list. The mounts are very professional and would do any taxidermist
proud. As second prize you get NOT ONLY the totally excellent
longnose gar mount, BUT ALSO a signed and numbered (#12 of 400,
a VERY low number) Tomerelli longnose gar print. The two taken
together are valued at at least $200.

[the longnose gar mount, which comes with it's own "Gabby Gar"
plaque and certificate of authenticity, plugs into the wall, and snaps
its beak and wags its tail, while mouthing witticisms such as "I'll
take 2 raw oscars, please!"]

The "lesser" prizes are not too shabby either. Last year at
Champaign-Urbana I bought $20 worth of tickets, and drove home
with TWO of the raffle prizes! You should be so lucky, but ONLY if
you buy some tickets.

RR's and BODers, I am expecting you to not only buy tickets, but
SELL them as well. Sounds like a good excuse to call the members
in your region :-)


"Cry to it, nuncle. as the cockney did to the eels when she put
'em i' the paste alive; she knapped 'em o' the coxcombs with a
stick, and cried 'Down wantons, down!'"

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