NANFA-- Collecting trip
R. W. Wolff (
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 17:59:57 -0500
I joined the Central Wisconsin Aquarium Society today for a collecting trip
just north of Wausau on Big Sandy Creek We all met up at a members pet shop
around 11 a.m. . The first stop was true to its name and for the most part
sandy. Everyone had a blast getting out of the 90 degree heat and humidity
to get in the cool water. We caught rainbow, fantail, and blacksided
darters, bigmouth, common shiners, creek and horny head chubs, stonerollers,
and some small neatly marked crawfish. The shore line rocks and cobbles were
covered with sponges of two types. One grew in a round flat manner, and the
other in towers like a coral. There was also willow moss with large
leaflets. I brought some of each home to put in the stream in my home made
pond that dumps into the gar pond. We then all headed up stream to another
part. Here the bottom was all slate. It was so odd seeing all the black flat
rocks scattered all over. Then in this was gravel that looked like red flint
aquarium gravel. Here was the same fish as above, plus fantail darters, tiny
largemouth bass, blacknose dace, bluntnose minnows, and sand shiners. Here
no one really cooled off because the water was just rivulets between the
rocks. Some Lienenkugels and Point beer ( both breweries within an hours
drive- have tours) were on hand for that , and Pepsi and Mello Yellow for
those not old enough or not liking alcoholic beverages. After collecting
wound down we all sat in the little shelter house and relaxed and BSd about
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