--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
Postdoctoral Scientist - Stream Ecology
Department of Fishery and Wildlife Biology
Colorado State University
Responsibilities: Position available for a postdoctoral scientist to
conduct a large-scale field experiment on effects of invading rainbow trout
on stream and riparian food webs in northern Japan. See
http://www.cnr.colostate.edu/~kurtf/kurtf.html for full description.
Qualifications: An earned Ph.D. in aquatic/fisheries ecology, course work in
advanced statistics (experimental design), 3 yr of experience in field
research after B.S degree, and at least one refereed publication on
aquatic/fisheries ecology. Willingness to live and work in a Japanese
cultural setting for 3-4 months per year with one other English-speaking
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Closing date: For full consideration, apply by 15 September 2001. Position
open until filled. Starting date is 1 November 2001 to 15 January 2002.
Application: E-mail (kurtf_at_cnr.colostate.edu) or fax letter of interest and
resume with contact information for four references, and mail copies of
transcripts and publications to: Dr. Kurt D. Fausch, Dept. of Fishery and
Wildlife Biology, Colorado State University, FortCollins, CO 80523, FAX:
970-491-5091. CSU is an EEO/AA Employer. E. O. Office: 101 Student
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