May be helpful with the natives tho. I saw clear stringie things hanging
out of anuses... Stoneroller had a 8 incher.
But for now, I am just stepping away because I spent all day Monday and
yesterday obsessing and today scooping, so I need to recenter myself. I'm
quite likely to do impulsive things and that ain't gonna help no one...
Hey! Wanna see some native plants?!? They help native fish cause you don't
have to fertilize or water them and make lots o' food and riparian zones and
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Zarlinga" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: NANFA-- Sorta OT: things that just aren't cool.
> Try salt. It works. I gradually go up to 38 gms per gallon. Watch
> carefully since not all fish can take that high of a concentration.
> should love it though.
> Nick Zarlinga
> Aquarium Biologist
> Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
> 216.661.6500 ext 4485
> -----Original Message-----
> From: On Behalf
> Of Todd Crail
> Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 9:10 AM
> To:
> Subject: NANFA-- Sorta OT: things that just aren't cool.
> Well, it looks like I'm going out of the Rainbowfish business (there is
> nativefish info in here :). Down to about half of them now. Mortality
> started last night. My guess is, that between Nitrate and electricity,
> environmental issues allowed a massive parasite bloom to get underway.
> It seems that until I grounded _off_ of the circuit that everything was
> plugged into (which is one I created entirely)... I wasn't getting a true
> ground. This was first noticed last week when I fixed the 30 gallon
> (everyone is healing up just fine without any medication). However, I
> the assumption that the ground on the rest of the circuit was good, based
> the test I did with the little yellow recepticle tester thingie.
> It lied.
> I crawled up in the attic and got a heat sink for a vho ballast (when it
> says zero, it's zero) yesterday and used that to test because nothing was
> getting any better, in fact, worse, and in spite of treatment that should
> have killed the bloom. I still had 20 volts floating around. <sigh> I
> to pull the probe while grounding it to a new circuit because it was
> my knuckles hurt. I can't imagine what those fish have gone through.
> Why am I writing all of this?
> I think that I cross-contaminated them with a NA native "ich" (protozoans,
> flukes, whatever) that mainfest in the native 75 by using the same water
> soak freeze dried foods. That was pretty arrogant, or probably more so,
> thoughtless. The natives have handled similar issues with ease and
> treatment, and has only been slightly present, in spite of a weak ground.
> expect, now that I have the ground on a good circuit for it to disappear,
> and without treatment. It's only currently present on two spotfin shiners
> that have been beating the crap out of each other. An orangespot has been
> sliming weird, but that's it. It never bloomed in the 30 gallon, and it
> would have the same contamination issues.
> I'm guessing the rainbows and loaches didn't have the same natural
> to stop this stuff. Siamese Algae Eaters, Pleco and Corydoras seem
> irritated, but are not showing infection. Pearl Gourami has light
> infection, but doesn't seem too worried with it.
> Does this make any sense?
> And because I had loaches and plants... I couldn't use a _real_ heavy
> as a last ditch to try and stop them. Formalin and Metrondiazole didn't
> even touch it. Just seemed to make it worse anyway, but that's all
> anecdotal... (started with Metrondiazole Monday, Formalin Tuesday)
> I guess if I do exotics again in the future (don't have the money to
> replace, so I might as well set up more native fish once I've assured this
> garbage is gone), I'll have to be more careful about cross contamination.
> This was one I didn't expect, and have been well warned. I would normally
> shrug it off, but with all the weird things I've tested with this
> I can be pretty darn sure I have a good environment in there now. And the
> usual case of everything clearing up hasn't happened.
> By the time I got to it, I think the damage was done. Dunno. Really
> The M. praecox are still in good shape, but that's about it. Ever see a
> white polkadotted M. parkinsoni before? It makes me wanna puke... Or
> Or both.
> Once the loaches go, I think I'm going to use some Methylene Blue and see
> I can't salvage anyone. Mmmmm.... Blueberry Sand. :(
> Todd
> I hope you know that this will go down on your permanent record.
> --
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