Re: NANFA-- disappearing Southern Red Belly Dace
Sun, 6 Jul 2003 11:07:26 -0700 (PDT)
It could be a time of year thing .Populations of
various fishes can change with time of year in my
local creeks . Even area to area of the same creek
.Dams would not be a good thing and house construction
in the area isn't a hopeful sign .Either one changes
habitat conditions . DR. Robison in his book Fishes of
Arkansas mentions something to the effect that
abundant watercress plants often equates with abundant
SRBDs .Ive found this to be true in my area too.
Evidently they like the same water conditions .
--- wrote:
> A few years ago, Bill Flowers showed me a place near
> Mooresville, Indiana
> that had Southern Red Belly Dace. A few collecting
> trips and traps set overnight
> have failed to yield any. The physical changes in
> that immediate area are
> that three beaver dams have appeared and then
> removed. One dam appears to be
> coming back. The area above the stream has been
> leveled and some street
> installed for a housing development.
> My questions are:
> Is it likely that the entire population is gone? Or
> is it likely to be
> downstream? Or I just have had some unlucky
> collecting trips?
> Did the beaver dams probably effect the population?
> There are plenty of
> chubs and other fish there, though I did not catch
> any sculpins that were there
> with the Dace. What other factors could have caused
> the population to crash?
> Also, if anyone knows the location of another
> population of SRBD in Indiana,
> I would appreciate them sharing it with me.
> Chuck Church
> Indianapolis, Indiana USA
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Bill Hoppe
Yellville Arkansas
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