Slightly embarrasing, but not nearly as much as a fellow who posted a love
letter to the Reefkeepers list, not once, not twice, but did it three times!
"Oh man I wish you were sitting here on the couch with me... We could...."
Yeah, it was pretty bad. ;)
Annie, in case you're wondering, is our 3.5 month old Sckipperke dog. An
absolute handful... Literally and figuratively.
So since I've bothered you all with this... I thought some eye candy might
be in order. Also threw in some shots of my latest project after the
holocaust... Gonna try my hand at raising amphipods (gammarids) and the like
in my tank stands for food source. Wanted to make this as electricity free
as possible. Man you can move a lot of water with air! If it doesn't work
out (not efficient enough), I'll just add some salt and rear brine shrimp in
it. No love lost... Had everything I used already, so I didn't have to go
buy anything...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Crail" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 2:55 PM
Subject: NANFA-- heh
> neil young came on the radio when i was taking annie to the vet.
> she started howling right along.
> i'm not sure if that meant she liked it or not.
> in any case, i couldn't stand the two of them together, so i turned it
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