Where did you find the black stripes, fantail, and northern studfish around
here? I've wanted to collect a couple blackstripes and fantails since I've
seen pics of them. The northern studfish is one I haven't seen in our
seining trips and if they're native to Ohio I'd love to get a couple. :)
The one thing I notice is that your darters seem to have much better
coloration than mine do for some reason. What are you feeding yours? I'm
feeding all of mine Sally's Frozen Mysis, which seems to have a pretty good
nutritional profile. One other thing that comes to mind is that mine may
not be as colorful as they're trying to blend into the tank bottom and I
used a light colored pea-gravel overlay for my soil substrate and you've
used a much darker gravel in your tanks. Can and do darters and other fish
change color based on their environment?
In regards to the shrimpery: Here's how I employed airlifts on my ghetto
coral prop tub:
I found that you really don't need the extensions that run along the bottom
of the tank like you've got. It tends to increase frictional head loss a
little which will end up dropping your flow thru your airlifts. Also, you
may want to try removing the airstones and seeing how much that increases
your flow as larger bubbles will tend to "drag" more water with them as they
float to the surface. If you'd like, I've got a .pdf of Spotte 1979 that
deals strictly with designing airlifts for use in aquaria. Seriously good
read and I'm guessing that Tropicorium probably read the exact same chapter
when they setup their airlifts on their coral vats.
Also, I thought I'd throw out these articles in case you haven't seen them
> Also threw in some shots of my latest project after the
> holocaust... Gonna try my hand at raising amphipods
> (gammarids) and the like
> in my tank stands for food source. Wanted to make this as
> electricity free
> as possible. Man you can move a lot of water with air! If
> it doesn't work
> out (not efficient enough), I'll just add some salt and rear
> brine shrimp in
> it. No love lost... Had everything I used already, so I
> didn't have to go
> buy anything...
> http://www.farmertodd.com/Freshwater/Natives/070803natives/
> Enjoy!
> Todd
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