On 7/9/03 9:30 AM, "Todd Crail" <farmertodd_at_buckeye-express.com> wrote:
> Thanks Shane :) I'll look through all the airlift stuff later this
> evening. Would you mind emailing me that pdf? I can put it up on my
> website and anyone else could look at it then too, if they're interested (if
> you don't mind).
> The studfish is from Alabama at the Convention. Jeff Riebe brought back two
> pair and the males were getting medieval on each other. So we played "pass
> the fish". I know I said I was gonna only keep local natives... But there's
> just no way I could say no... So don't anyone get any ideas about running
> redline or tangerine darters under my nose... ;)
> There's a great population of fantails in a very hilarious spot. Remember
> under the I-75 bridge over Riley Creek at Village Park where copious amounts
> of the Mennonite forbidden "nectar of youth" was consumed in college?
> Yeah... We were "breaking the seal" on the poor buggers. :) Monster sized
> orangethroats in there too. Riley Creek, despite it's reputation is
> actually pretty decent quality. Good spot for longear sunfish too. We need
> to get down there and hit it. Also found blackstripe topminnows in the pond
> at Village Park, but I haven't seen them there in the couple trips I've made
> back by there.
> However... This weekend... We should encounter droves of the topminnows in
> Sandusky county in at least one of the streams we sample. I spoke with Dr.
> Cavender at OSU yesterday about species assemblages in the county...
> Blackstripe topminnows are pretty much new invaders to the area (last 15
> years... He's watched them move from stream to stream). As they move into
> the empty niches that were formerly the habitat of the western banded
> killifish (now state endangered), their populations explode (like with any
> "exotic"). I saw this in Muddy Creek, I expect to find the same in the
> other streams (as did he). So if you can't make it up, I'll bring you back
> a couple. Very rewarding fish to keep :)
> I'm feeding the same stuff. I think you've nailed it with the color of the
> gravel. I've found that darker substrate always inspires any species of
> fish to light up those chromatophores better than lighter substrate. I get
> a really nice effect by having the dark substrate and then patches of open
> sand (serious contrast), but I've yet to catch a good shot there yet. It's
> seriously cool to watch them dart into the open :)
> Todd
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Shane Graber" <SGraber_at_sauder.com>
> To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 9:17 AM
> Subject: RE: NANFA-- heh -- Now Improved with Reason (tm)!
>> Looks seriously cool Todd! :)
>> Where did you find the black stripes, fantail, and northern studfish
> around
>> here? I've wanted to collect a couple blackstripes and fantails since
> I've
>> seen pics of them. The northern studfish is one I haven't seen in our
>> seining trips and if they're native to Ohio I'd love to get a couple. :)
>> The one thing I notice is that your darters seem to have much better
>> coloration than mine do for some reason. What are you feeding yours? I'm
>> feeding all of mine Sally's Frozen Mysis, which seems to have a pretty
> good
>> nutritional profile. One other thing that comes to mind is that mine may
>> not be as colorful as they're trying to blend into the tank bottom and I
>> used a light colored pea-gravel overlay for my soil substrate and you've
>> used a much darker gravel in your tanks. Can and do darters and other
> fish
>> change color based on their environment?
>> In regards to the shrimpery: Here's how I employed airlifts on my ghetto
>> coral prop tub:
>> http://www.liquidreef.com/equip/proptub/proptub_cat.html
>> I found that you really don't need the extensions that run along the
> bottom
>> of the tank like you've got. It tends to increase frictional head loss a
>> little which will end up dropping your flow thru your airlifts. Also, you
>> may want to try removing the airstones and seeing how much that increases
>> your flow as larger bubbles will tend to "drag" more water with them as
> they
>> float to the surface. If you'd like, I've got a .pdf of Spotte 1979 that
>> deals strictly with designing airlifts for use in aquaria. Seriously good
>> read and I'm guessing that Tropicorium probably read the exact same
> chapter
>> when they setup their airlifts on their coral vats.
>> Also, I thought I'd throw out these articles in case you haven't seen them
>> yet:
>> http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/feb2003/breeder2.htm
>> http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/dec2002/breeder.htm
>> http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/oct2002/breeder.htm
>> http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/aug2002/breeder.htm
>> http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/sept2002/breeder.htm
>> Shane
>> <snip>
>>> Also threw in some shots of my latest project after the
>>> holocaust... Gonna try my hand at raising amphipods
>>> (gammarids) and the like
>>> in my tank stands for food source. Wanted to make this as
>>> electricity free
>>> as possible. Man you can move a lot of water with air! If
>>> it doesn't work
>>> out (not efficient enough), I'll just add some salt and rear
>>> brine shrimp in
>>> it. No love lost... Had everything I used already, so I
>>> didn't have to go
>>> buy anything...
>>> http://www.farmertodd.com/Freshwater/Natives/070803natives/
>>> Enjoy!
>>> Todd
> --
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