Nick, do you find that fish behaviour alters at all depending on the bubble
I always feel that using airstones reduces the amount of noise in the
aquarium, thus reducing stress, something that I do think may be important
for Ostariophysan fish in particular.
I have filtered almost 80 off-show aquaria from 5 gallons to 150 gallons
using nothing much more than air driven filters, and been very satisfied
with the performance.
When you mention changing airstones, is this in fresh or marine water? I
normally find that in freshwater airstones last at least a few months before
performance starts to drop off to any degree.
I agree, certainly in narrow uplifts (sponge filters etc.), airstones
produce far better results that coarser bubbles, and I am running every
aquarium here in my home office off a single Hoffman (now produced by
Algarde), something that would otherwise take 8 power heads.
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