> Quite frankly, I think an ignorant customer is just as bad as an ignorant
> salesperson (note: the definition of "ignorant" is quite different than the
> definition for "stupid" :). Ignorant customers who nearly _demand_ to
> remain ignorant are twice as bad.
I used to work in a pet shop and ignorant customers were the rule rather than
the exception. Of course that was 30 years ago but even then when someone
would come in totally clueless I would recommend a good aquarium book to read
before they got started and the most important thing to recommend was patience. I
think that going slow is probably the most important thing anyone can do if
they are keeping fish for the first time. Getting this across to the customer
is sometimes difficult. Of course 30 years ago was (in our area) the start of
marine fish. Every day I would have to explain to some little old lady in great
detail why the clownfish she was in love with wouldn't do well with her gold
fish even though she added salt to her tank every time she changed the water.
Actually I loved working the petshop, best job I ever had except for the pay.
I actually caught and sold local marine fish. I had customers that were in
love with Molly Miller Blennies, cling fish, and local star fish and urchins.
Other than being very poor it was a great job!
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