Ok, thanks. I can now tell everyone that I am not the biggest fish geek
anymore. I had to look up Ostariophysan. I'll stick with my allochthanos
(still can't spell it right) as my big fish geek word ;)
I can't say that I have noticed any change in behavior using airstones vs no
airstones- or at least I haven't been in tune with it. I guess it would
make sense for exceedingly small tanks. Interesting point.
As far as using airstones, unless it is in an airdriven skimmer, I usually
just don't bother. I agree that they seem to last longer in fw than in sw
systems, but it still is not worth my while to change them regularly for the
extra benefit they give. Since we tend to overcompensate our system in
other ways, I feel that we are still safe, I guess.
Bottom line for me... simple is better (usually). Less gazactometers, the
more stable the system? (That is not to say that it is not fun to play with
all the buttons some time ;)
Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nanfa_at_aquaria.net On Behalf
Of Pete Liptrot
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 6:17 PM
To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
Subject: Re: NANFA-- RE: now airlifts; splitting hairs
> With all this said, I rarely use airstones simply due to the b.s. factor.
> Although I am primarily concerned with maximum flow rate, I will sacrifice
> some of that flow for not having to change the dang airstones every time I
> pass the tank!
Nick, do you find that fish behaviour alters at all depending on the bubble
I always feel that using airstones reduces the amount of noise in the
aquarium, thus reducing stress, something that I do think may be important
for Ostariophysan fish in particular.
I have filtered almost 80 off-show aquaria from 5 gallons to 150 gallons
using nothing much more than air driven filters, and been very satisfied
with the performance.
When you mention changing airstones, is this in fresh or marine water? I
normally find that in freshwater airstones last at least a few months before
performance starts to drop off to any degree.
I agree, certainly in narrow uplifts (sponge filters etc.), airstones
produce far better results that coarser bubbles, and I am running every
aquarium here in my home office off a single Hoffman (now produced by
Algarde), something that would otherwise take 8 power heads.
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