I am far from being an expert bringing back fish alive/in good
shape...however the following has held me in good stead:
1) pickup styrofoam shipping boxes from your local fish shop you
frequent...use large plastic trash bags as liners
2) get an 8 pack of T.C. Capsules ( tetra-
cycline ) to add to water in boxes...I use about 1/2 capsule per box as
a preventative for fungus and other problems
3) small bottle of AmQuel (16 oz.) ...a squirt in each bag helps get
rid of ammonia
4) double the # of containers you will put fish, in order to carry
"clear,clean water" from the same place you collected the fish
in.....just "in case"
5) MOST IMPORTANT....carry at least1 doz. of those frozen "Polar Packs"
in a separate cooler along with your iced drinks and or food. I usually
put at least 3 per container between the liner and the styrofoam box as
this lowers the temp drastically and I find this helps keep 99% of the
fish alive when I get home and over night conditioning them to my liquid
concrete water. Make sure you duck tape the lids shut to keep in as much
of the cold in as possible.
I have tried to take care of the ammonia with the AmQuel, the heat with
the frozen packs and any scrapes and abrasions during collection with
the T.C.Capsules.
This generally helps "get em back alive" and keep em alive....YMMV but
this works for me.
I have also begun testing the pH and the TDS at each collection
site.....it doesn't hurt to match water parameters, for more survival
Hope this helps and stay well,
Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler'
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