> Something I have started using to keep the fish alive for long periods
> of time is a small corner filter and a regular air pump. I bought a DC-
> AC converter that puts out 70 watts of AC. Now a Whisper 700 with the
> dual outleets only pulls 5 watts. Plug the converter into the cigarette
> lighter and now you have almost a limitless air supply. You are probably
> wondering about running your car battery down tho. I did so I plugged in
> 2 Whisper 700 airpumps into an extension cord and let them run for 24
> hours in the van with the motor off. The van started right up. The
> converter I bought only cost $25.00. Since i have done this I have loss
> zero fish in transit.
> Now if I could keep them alive in a tank
those innverters are pretty cool. the one i have tho has a cooling fan which
i bet pulls more power than the small air pump i use. i also have to turn the
key to the accesory switch to get the lighter socket to turn on.
i need to direct wire the lighter socket and get a smaller invertor w/o a
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