Bill Flowers wrote:
>In a message dated 6/26/03 5:11:23 PM US Central Standard Time,
> writes:
><< Chuck, if you still need some wild Daphnia let me know. I have some that
> I collected several years ago and could give you a start.
> >>
>Thanks, Bill. I will take you up on that. I still want to find a wild
>source myself. Guess I need to keep a brineshrimp net and container for them in my
>Last weekend I set traps overnight in the SRBD spot you showed me on
>Greencastle Road. No SRBD. Do you figure they are downstream now? Any ideas on
>where the ir went? Or is the population just deceased?
>15 years ago I caught some near Brookville Reservoir. I may head down there
>someday and snoop around.
>I may try and collect sometime this weekend. Let me know if you want to hook
>up somewhere.
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