Eastern North Dakota is very difficult to collect as the streams and rivers
are very turbid and have deep mud an clay bottoms. The Missouri River
between Lake Sakakawea and Oahe has sand bars so it may be collectable, but
I've never tried it.
The Crow Wing and Ottertail rivers in the west central part of the state are
fairly clear. Both rivers have Johnny, Iowa and Least Darters (more common
in the Crow Wing), Banded Killifish, Blacknose and Blackchin Shiners,
Longnose and Blacknose Dace, and all kinds of game fish. The Ottertail
River also has Blackside and Rainbow Darters, more species of minnows (Weed
Shiner for example), and Bowfins.
If you go about 60 miles south of Duluth you'll find the St Croix River and
that's full of Gilt Darters (I don't think your supposed to take them
Lake Superior itself is very clear but also very cold. I've always wanted
to try collecting along the north shore of Lake Superior but have never done
it. I know the streams have Troutperch, Lake Chubs, Longnose Suckers,
burbot, trout and salmon. I've also heard the claim that Fourhorn Sculpins
have been reported from the north shore streams, but I don't know how
reliable that is (they are in the lake).
The Leech Lake area has some clear streams and Federal Dam on the east side
has clear water with all kinds of game fish. I've also seen otters there.
Mark Otnes
Fargo ND
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Sinclair" <rjs_at_silcom.com>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 3:40 PM
Subject: NANFA-- RE: Help...Anybody? Info needed...
> Early next month I'll be driving...hopefully doing a bit of collecting,
> from Portland OR to Duluth MN, then a few days later from Duluth
> to Santa Barbara CA.
> I'm seeking specific collecting locations, and species to be found,
> in the following states - my main interesting being smaller size
> "interesting" critters for home aquaria:
> Idaho
> Montana
> North Dakota
> Minnesota
> Nebraska
> Colorado
> Utah
> Anybody? Any and all suggestions, hints, or specific info will be
> greatly appreciated.
> Bob Sinclair
> Santa Barbara CA
> ---
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