Re: NANFA-- U.S.Postal Service won't ship

Fri, 2 Jun 2000 16:05:08 -0500

Excellent points Ray. I hope no one was taking my statements as being
anti-postal. I have the luxury of having several very good post offices
near my home and my place of business. These people are always friendly and
helpful. My comments where aimed at those that are having a hard time with
their PO's. Simply put if they are giving you a hard time when you try to
ship live fish, then don't tell them. You are not required to divulge what
you are shipping, so don't. Simple. If you pack them carefully with the
thought that they will get left in a cold truck or an overheated baggage
area then you're covered, whether it says live fish on the box or not.
Don't expect that little bit of writing to be your saving grace not all
postal employees are as courteous or self-conscious as those we have seen
discussed. I'll gracefully pass on making any comments about laws and
lawmakers. It's Friday and I hate to end the week on a sour note. ;)
Enjoy your weekend everyone.


Having live fish printed on the box does help. I always ask that anyone
shipping me fish do so.I also understand some do not want to, and that is
fine too. I am willing to put in any extra effort to get what I want. The
post office here is very considerate and calls me when a box arrives so I
can drive down and pick it up. More work for the guy who calls, but less
for the delivery guy, so they don't actually waste any more money being
courteous. If some how a box does go on the truck ,the route driver rings
the door bell, or places them in the garage or shaded area if no one
answers. I have no Idea what happens when they are not at my Post Office.
Also, by being courteous, I am more likely to not be as irate when a box is
late or mishandled. I will have a little more lee way with those involved,
since they have been doing a better than average job in the past. I think
this applies to everyone's job, no matter what it is. Unfortunately law
makers generally don't follow this simple Ideal. As for more regulations,
have to go with Bruce on that one. We certainly don't need more
regulations. This is one thing that drives up the prices on things. It
costs money to enforce these regulations, and are a hassle for anyone who
has to deal with them , whether you are the shipper or the Post Office or
whatever company the shipper is using. Then we have everyone complaining
about the price of shipping things. Don't label me an anarchist again
either, as some regulations make sense. It is sensible to have rules that
govern a box not taped shut correctly wont be shipped, or one leaking all
over will not be accepted either. But when we get down to these blanket
and/or nit picking regulations it just one more burden on the people. I go
back to my local post office, the employees here use common sense to decide
what to do with these boxes, and don't jump to conclusions since they might
have heard of something pending somewhere ( think about the false email tax
scare that was running around ).

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