Re: NANFA-- Re: Postal Regs
Sat, 3 Jun 2000 21:59:20 EDT

In a message dated 6/3/00 12:36:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Because if you are caught (If the package leaks and is checked etc) then
are illegally smuggling wildlife and in violation of the Lacy Act. A friend
of mine was prosecuted this way for shipping captive bred newts through the
mail without declaring the newts. He had to pay a bunch of fines (each
undeclared is one violation) and has subsequently been denied permits due to
illegal wildlife trafficking. >>

You'd only be introuble with the Lacy Act if the critters you're shipping are
protected...either by the state or feds. If they're doing that illegally they
SHOULD get in trouble!

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