NANFA-- FREE American Currents

Christopher Scharpf (
Sun, 04 Jun 2000 12:33:09 -0400

The gentleman from Chattanooga said:

"hats off to another wonderful issue of ac..."

The gentleman from Idaho concurred:

"My hat's off to all involved in making it [AC] such an interesting and
informative quarterly."

Thank you, Casper and Bruce, for the nice comments re: American Currents.

For those of who who are intertested enough in native fishes to be on this list,
yet for some reason are not NANFA members, the Spring 2000 issue of American
Currents is available for FREE on NANFA's homepage at

(A sample issue is usually available to help attract prospective members.)

Please download it and read it (you'll need Adobe Acobat). If you like it,
please consider joining. An application is on the website, as well as in the
sample AC. (Join now and beat the anticipated dues increase!)

The Summer issue, which will be distributed early to NANFA Convention attendees,
promises to be another fabulous issue. The articles I'm preparing for it

* "Collecting and Maintaining the Mud Sunfish" by native fish legend John Brill

* "Imperiled Fishes of Mississippi" by two of the Convention's esteemed
speakers, Steve Ross and Todd Slack

* "Politics, Science and the Fate of the Alabama Sturgeon" by moi; includes rare
photographs of living specimens of what is arguably the rarest fish in North
America (only *9* specimens caught since 1989!)

* spawning accounts of the harlequin darter and flagfin shiner

Plus more neat stuff covering a broad range of topics, from aquarium care to
conservation to reports of new species (like the southeastern blue sucker)

Christopher Scharpf
Editor, American Currents

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