Re: NANFA-- Dip Nets

D. Martin Moore (
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 11:24:03 -0700

Quoth regarding NANFA-- Dip Nets:

> The questions with seines has brought another question to mind. Do
> most of you make your own dip nets or do you purchase them? If you
> purchase them do you have a favorite supplier? Ed

I have bought dipnets from K-Mart. They are OK while they last,
but the hoop and/or handle always breaks after a few trips. I just
made my own "custom" dipnet, which has proven superior. I
ordered a net frame and bag from Aquatic Supply. The frame has a
channel on the inside surface, and the 1/8" mesh bag attaches into
the channel. Thus, no netting is exposed on the outside edge of
the frame, which makes it very good for dragging through riffles,
etc. I also ordered a handle adapter (but no handle), and bought a
6-12 foot telecoping fiberglass pole (a heavy-duty one). With some
slight modification it fits the handle adapter, and can easily be
removed. With my new net I can reach out and touch someone! It
has seen lots of use already, is fairly lightweight, and is holding up
great. I can get inexpensive replacement bags if need be.

My custom-made "shad scoop", of which I wrote recently, met with
a bit of a misunderstanding. MNT misread my order and sent me not
a 2.5 foot scoop, but a 42.5" one (the bag is six feet deep!) :-P It
is HUGE. I imagine it would be useful for really deep water, but I
haven't had any occasion to use it yet. I'm keeping this one since
they didn't charge me any more than they quoted for the smaller
one, and they obviously went to a lot of time and trouble to build
this one from scratch to my "specifications". But I still plan to order
a smaller one which would be more useful as a "welaka getter".


"Cry to it, nuncle. as the cockney did to the eels when she put
'em i' the paste alive; she knapped 'em o' the coxcombs with a
stick, and cried 'Down wantons, down!'"

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