--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL
>From: "Hoover, Jan J WES" <HOOVERJ_at_wes.army.mil>
>Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>To: "'nanfa_at_aquaria.net'" <nanfa at aquaria.net>
>Subject: RE: NANFA--Fundulus dispar
>Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 15:54:42 -0500
>Fundulus eggs seem destined for prolonged prehatching periods. Dessicated
>eggs of freshwater species take longer to hatch because dessication slows
>down embryo development. Eggs of estuarine killies often take 10-14 days
>hatch. Spawning is tied in with a semi-lunar cycle: eggs are laid and
>on new and full moon spring tides. To my knowledge, semilunar periodicity
>is not been documented in freshwater killies. Is it possible that
>hatching times of freshwater species are holdovers from marine ancestors?
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