Re: NANFA-- Little River, AL, trip
Sun, 11 Jun 2000 23:10:05 EDT
good review bruce and dave...
im looking forward to our next trip. check your maps for the conasauga just
above the georgia line...
a couple of additions... i got the special treat of observing s studfish
spawning within 12" of my facemask. rarely have i gotten this close to a
studfish let alone breeding and in full glorious color. i observed them for
about 10 minutes as both the male and female nosed potential sites... seeming
to attempt to agree on the place to raise ( err... plant :) the little ones.
very cool.
w/ dave's help i think i can now confidently nail the blue and alabama
shiners id. they were stunning. there is nothing like holding on in the
current and watching these males dart / fly about... exposing their dorsal
fins in full regelia ( sorry cant spell that word :) you know... like a ship
at full sail w/ its battleflags!
i had a bit of problem snorkling as i kept getting hauled up in the siene.
there was much excitment until they realized it was just me and just threw me
back like some obese stoneroller.
i wish i could have snorkled w/ the rainbow shiners but steve had a crazied
grin on his face w/ that electro shocker strapped to his back. you give some
folks power and... watch out!
a special thanks to dave for helping out and expanding our knowledge. i
believe he said this was his 90th or so site in 2000. ! i thought i got out a
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