Re: NANFA-- Bryozoans and Wierd Dytiscus Beetle Larvae

R. W. Wolff (
Mon, 12 Jun 2000 11:41:22 -0700

We have the big "brain" globs out here at the marsh. Often they will grow
on objects, near culverts, so they can handle some current. They get the
statoblasts , look like little seeds, later in the year. The largest I have
seen was probably a group of smaller groups, but the largest single group
was atleast 15 inches in diameter. They are fragile, and look like glass
when they break, since the inside of these large balls are clear, with
sometimes red or green tints, the outside is that gray swirly stuff. I see
them every year. They often wash up on long shorelines after severe storms.
I have not tried to raise any in captivity, and never put none in my ponds
since I wasn't sure what they would or could do to my fish.

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