Re: NANFA-- Newbie Question - Slenderhead Darters

Scott Davis (
Fri, 16 Jun 2000 17:43:52 -0500

Thanks for the prompt replies! On Friday afternoon, no less!

> They bury eggs in the sand/gravel. Young of all Percina can be a challenge
> raise, but not impossible.

Both J.R. & Bob suggest they are small. Would this be along the line of
rainbowfishes, dwarf gourami or Ep. annulatus?

Understood also is that the size of the fry is not as important as the size
of the mouth. Lampeyes look like they should be able to handle bigger food
items than they can.

How about a bit of APR all stirred up and a gob of snails to clean up?

In addition to greenwater would mosquito eggs rafts on top of 1-2" of water
work? Or would fry ever rise even that high in the water column?

Has anybody ever tried cyclopeese (sp?) with natives?

> I think a 10 is really too small. These are pretty pelagic darters and
need a
> lot of swimming space to be happy. A 20Long is about the minimum I'd keep
them in....bigger would be better.

Hummm, who can be moved. ;)

Thanks again and all the best!


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