Re: NANFA-- Cranberry Glade Lake
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 00:31:56 EDT

In a message dated 00-06-20 16:59:04 EDT, you write:

<< Whatever it is , the panfish population is evidently well
balanced because you seldom catch all those stunted ones that are typical in
places. >>
I've noticed that the resevoir that produced the large 'gills I mentioned has
significant weed growth in the shallows, has a fair sized deep "bowl" for
overwintering and summer retreat and is absolutely loaded with daphne &
damsel fly nymph in the spring and daphne again in the fall/early winter. As
far as I know, the only other fish in the resevoir are black bullheads and
largemouth bass. The larger bluegill are seldom caught outside the peak
May/June spawn, although I do catch nice messes of eatin' size gills during
summer & fall. The resevoir is probably 40+ acres when full, which it isn't
this year. I think the daphne serves a real important role in the growth,
both rate and final size, as all of the fish that I keep (under 8") are full
of daphne.

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