Hey, that aint so bad. In Wisconsin, white perch are illegal to have, unless
you are transporting one dead speciman to a DNR office for record keeping
reasons. I would think it would be better to put an unlimited catch on
these things, but they must be transported on ice ( dead) to your freezer.
They are similar looking to white bass and yellow bass, native to the state.
That said, there are other similar species that we are supposed to know the
difference of, and you cannot catch them. I think this is some of the reason
for the great frustration over laws and contempt towards the DNR. In one
place, we are supposed to know the difference between white perch and white
bass ( its really not that hard but....) in another instance we ( we as the
common folk citizenry) are supposed to be able to tell one fish from another
as one as strict regulations regarding its take, and a similar species does
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