Re: NANFA-- ichthyology's not that bad... really!

Bruce Stallsmith (
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 23:46:22 -0400

>On a different note, would anyone out there (Jan, Bruce, JR?) happen to
>any good refs on larval drift of darters?
Sounds like DarterFest waiting to happen... the only refs I know at first
thought relate to the slackwater darter. Telling you to check out Boschung
may seem goofy, but I think Boschung did some work on larval drift of
slackwaters. In particular, there was a 1979 report that I've seen reference
"Report on the breeding habits of the slackwater darter (Percidae:
Etheostoma boschungi) in the Cypress Creek Watershed: Auburn, Alabama,
U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, 26 p."
And there's gotta be more.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL

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