Dave and other Drifting Larval Fish Enthusiasts -
When I was sampling the Illinois River (Oklahoma), I took diurnal and
nocturnal drift samples concurrently with my seining. Despite large
populations of darters in the river, I rarely saw darters in the drift and
got the impression that those taxa (E. spectabile, E. zonale, E.
punctulatum, E. blennioides) did not drift much. Similar observations are
made in at least two other upland stream studies:
Floyd, K.B., R.D. Hoyt, and S. Timbrook. 1984. Chronology and habitat
partitioning by stream larval fishes. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 113: 217-225.
(includes 5-6 darter taxa - abundant in light traps and/or seine but drift
is dominated by ictalurids)
Brown, A.V. and M.L. Armstrong. 1985. Propensity to drift downstream among
various species of fish. J. Freshwater Ecol. 3: 3-17 (includes 9 darter
taxa - but numbers drifting are low).
Off the top of my head, I do not know of any other references (although I am
sure they must exist). I thought that Art Brown had done one other study of
drifting larvae. A lot of drift nets, however, are set by aquatic
entomologoists having limited interest in larval fish, so a lot of drifting
larvae (including darters) may go unrecorded.
- Jan
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